Safety Documentation Requirements

Safety Documentation Requirements

Because each laboratory is different, and processes change routinely, each lab has the responsibility to maintain lab-specific information and documentation. The complete Chemical Hygiene Program for all Temple University laboratory spaces consist of the general Temple University (TU) Chemical Hygiene Program and laboratory specific requirements.

The Principal Investigator has the responsibility to document laboratory safety specific information and requirements and making it accessible to all laboratory personnel, including:

  • Laboratory roster with designation of roles for all laboratory personnel.  The identity of the Laboratory Safety Contact (LSC), if applicable should be identified.
  • Training records for all laboratory personnel. This includes Lab-Specific Orientation & Training-completion for all personnel working in the lab-Refer to the Laboratory-Specific Training Checklist to document this training.
  • A completed Laboratory Hazard Assessment for Chemical Handling (LHACH) form approved by the Principal Investigator (PI). The LHACH form documents the required engineering controls, work practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) for work conducted in the laboratory.
  • Chemical Inventory (CEMS)-A list of hazardous chemicals used or stored in the lab
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS)- for all hazardous chemical used or stored in the lab

Laboratory specific information, including access to the Chemical Hygiene Program (CHP), must be always accessible to laboratory personnel while working in a laboratory.

Lab-specific information must be reviewed and approved by the Principal Investigator, Laboratory Supervisor/Manager, or Instructor when new process is added, existing process change significantly, or at least annually. These laboratory specific requirements will be reviewed at the time of a Laboratory Chemical Safety Audit.

Refer to the EHRS Chemical Hygiene Program or contact EHRS for additional information and/or guidance on meeting these regulatory requirements.