Preparedness and Accessibility

Preparedness and Accessibility 

At Temple University, we believe in ensuring that all individuals, including those with disabilities and access and functional needs, have the resources and knowledge they need for effective emergency preparedness. Here are some valuable resources and tips:

Resources for Emergency Readiness

  • Department of Homeland Security: This site offers important information on readiness for individuals with disabilities, including helpful tips and emergency planning guidance. Visit for additional resources and tips.

  • Temple's Office of Disability Resources and Services: This office is a vital resource for students on campus, offering support and guidance for navigating emergency situations.

  • Institute on Disability (IoD): Located in the College of Education and Human Development at Temple University, the IoD collaborates with individuals with disabilities and their families to promote knowledge, advocate for change, and foster self-determination. Their mission emphasizes emergency preparedness by developing research and programs that address the needs of people with disabilities in various settings. To learn more about emergency preparedness in Pennsylvania for individuals with disabilities, visit their website.

Disabilities, Access, and Functional Needs

To ensure your safety in an emergency, it’s important to identify and communicate your specific needs beforehand. Here are tips to prepare:

  1. Develop a Personalized Emergency Plan: Assess your needs and craft a plan tailored to your situation.

  2. Communicate Your Needs: Inform friends, family, and emergency personnel about your requirements.

  3. Wear Medical Alert Tags: Use medical alert bracelets or tags to let others know about your conditions.

  4. Mobility Aids and Service Animals: If you use a mobility aid or service animal, make sure to include them in your emergency planning.

  5. Know Your Medications: Familiarize yourself with the names and dosages of all your medications.

  6. Plan for Communication Devices: If you use augmentative communication devices or other assistive technologies, ensure you have a plan for evacuation or replacement if they are lost or damaged.

  7. Pack Your Emergency Kit: Include appropriate supplies for your specific needs in your go bag and emergency supply kit.

  8. Keep Equipment Information: Maintain documentation of model numbers and purchase information for your assistive technology devices, such as white canes or text-to-speech software.

  9. Have Backup Communication Plans: Know how you will communicate if your equipment malfunctions.

Additional Resources

For more information on disability preparedness, access and functional needs, and emergency resources, check out, NYC Emergency Management, and the American Red Cross.

Together, we can create a safer, more prepared community for everyone!