Laboratory Safety

Each laboratory environment poses a unique set of hazards, including, biological, chemical, physical and radiological hazards. The laboratory environment is highly complex and requires support and guidance information to promote safe work practices and compliance.

Exposures, Accidents, and Emergencies

General Information

New Laboratories

Laboratory & Equipment Decommissioning

Laboratory Safety Equipment

Laboratory Personal Protective Equipment

Minors in Laboratories

Visitors & Volunteers in Laboratories

Working Alone in Laboratories

Audits & Inspections

Biological Hazards

The Biological Safety Program provides guidance for faculty, staff, and students who work with biological agents to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

Chemical Hazards

The Chemical Hygiene Program describes the proper practices, procedures, equipment, and facilities that function together to help ensure individuals are protected from the effects of hazardous chemicals in their work area.

Radiation Hazards



EHRS offers a wide variety of training courses to increase your knowledge, improve your ability to recognize and mitigate risk, and help maintain a safe work environment.

Forms & Postings