Training Opportunities

Training Opportunities

Ready yourself for unexpected events by enhancing your skills and knowledge through our training opportunities! During a crisis, the abilities you've learned can make all the difference. We invite all students, faculty, and staff to participate in our training events, covering essential life skills such as CPR, psychological first aid, and TUready emergency procedures.

Upcoming Training Events

Stay informed about our latest training dates and times by checking the OEM calendar, following us on social media, and signing up for our newsletter!

Being TUready means being prepared for the unexpected in everyday life. As part of Temple’s commitment to emergency preparedness, we offer ongoing training focused on emergency procedures and personal crisis preparedness.

Additional Emergency Preparedness Training

Explore FEMA's YouTube channel for short training videos that can enhance your knowledge and can be shared with others. Your journey to becoming TUready is important to us!

  • FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers free online and in-person training in critical areas, including:
    • Incident Command System
    • National Incident Management System
    • Homeland Security exercises
    • Continuity of Operations

These training sessions will strengthen your understanding of emergency response and incident management.

Active Assailant Training

Active assailant situations involve individuals actively harming others using weapons such as firearms, knives, or even vehicles. Such incidents can occur in various settings, including college campuses. Being prepared with a plan can significantly increase your chances of survival during a critical event.

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and Public Safety team up to conduct Active Assailant Training for all Temple University students, staff, and faculty. Training sessions typically last from one (1) to three (3) hours and cover the following modules:

  • How Temple Police are equipped to respond to active assailant situations.
  • Strategies to increase your chances of survival, including the "Run, Hide, Fight" concept.

Get Involved!

Interested in learning more about our training opportunities? Contact us today for more information! Together, we can enhance our community's safety and readiness.