Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Emergencies require one of three primary response procedures: Evacuation, Lockdown, and Shelter-in-Place. Understanding these procedures will help you respond effectively and ensure your safety when emergencies arise. In the event of an emergency, the university will issue a TUalert providing additional information/instructions and all-clear messages when the situation is over, stabilized or no longer poses a threat.

Active Threat Response: Run, Hide, Fight

Temple University’s Department of Public Safety and the Office of Emergency Management urge our community to familiarize themselves with the "Run, Hide, Fight" strategy for responding to active threats. These situations are unpredictable and can escalate rapidly. The swift intervention of law enforcement is typically necessary to stop an active assailant and reduce harm to victims.

If you hear gunshots on campus or witness an armed individual threatening others, here’s how to stay safe:

  1. Run: If it is safe to do so, escape the area immediately. Identify your safest exit and help others escape if possible.
  2. Hide: If you cannot run, find a secure location to hide. Lock and barricade doors, turn off lights, and silence your phone.
  3. Fight: As a last resort, and only if your life is in imminent danger, be prepared to fight back against the assailant using any available objects.

Make a quick assessment of the situation and choose the best option for your safety. Your awareness and preparedness can make a critical difference.

Rally Points

Rally Points on Campus


Evacuation is necessary to create distance between yourself and a threat. Follow these steps to prepare for an evacuation emergency:

  1. Leave Immediately: When the fire alarm sounds, exit the building immediately. Close all doors behind you as you proceed to the nearest fire exit.
  2. Use Stairs, Not Elevators: Elevators may fail and trap you during emergencies. Always use the stairs.
  3. Check Doors for Heat: Before opening any door, check for excessive heat. If a door is hot or you see smoke seeping in, do not open it. Use the back of your hand to feel the door leading from your room to the hallway.
  4. Stay Low in Smoke: If you’re caught in smoke, stay low and take short breaths through your nose until you reach an area of refuge.
  5. Reporting to Rally Points: After evacuating, report to your designated rally point (assembly point) for further instructions. Find rally point information here

Important Reminders

  • Keep all fire exits and corridor doors closed at all times to prevent smoke and heat from entering stairways and corridors.
  • If you observe doors propped or tied open, please close them and report the location to university fire marshals: Richard Box (215-707-8687) or John Maule (215-204-7938), or call Temple Police (215-204-1234).
  • If you require assistance due to functional or access needs, relocate to an area of refuge and call Temple Police at 215-204-1234.


A lockdown procedure is initiated when there is an immediate threat to building occupants. Here’s what to do:

If you are INSIDE the building:

  • Secure Yourself: Lock exterior doors only if the threat is outside and it’s safe to do so.
  • Call Temple Police: As soon as it’s safe, call Temple Police at 215-204-1234 and provide information about the situation.
  • Barricade Doors: Lock and barricade interior doors if possible.
  • Hide: Find a place to conceal yourself and remain quiet until personnel give the “all clear” directive.

If you are OUTSIDE the building:

  • Do Not Enter: Move far away from the building under lockdown.
  • Stay Safe: Find a secure location and remain there until you receive further instructions or an all-clear signal from TUalert.

TUsiren Alert

If you hear the TUsiren, it is a command to get indoors immediately. A TUalert will follow for further instructions.


Shelter-in-place means seeking immediate shelter indoors due to hazardous conditions outside:

  1. Seek Shelter: Move away from windows and find interior rooms with no ventilation.
  2. Stay Inside: Remain inside until further instructions are provided. Do not evacuate until an “all clear” has been issued by emergency personnel or via TUalert.
  3. Be Prepared: Always have medications, water, snacks, and your phone charger within reach for unexpected situations.

    By familiarizing yourself with these emergency procedures, you help enhance the safety of yourself and the entire Temple community. Stay informed and prepared!

    Additional Emergency Procedures

    Additional Emergency Procedures

    Bomb Threats

    • If you receive a bomb threat:
      • Gather as much information as you can from the caller.
      • Call Temple Police or 911.
      • Follow the instructions from emergency personnel.

    Suspicious Objects

    • If you see a suspicious object:
      • Do not touch it.
      • Evacuate the area.
      • Call Temple Police at 215-204-1234 or 911.

    Suspicious Behavior

    • If you observe suspicious behavior:
      • Do not confront the individual.
      • Call Temple Police or 911 immediately.
      • Remember to run, hide, fight if necessary.

    Medical Emergencies

    • For any medical emergency:
      • Call Temple Police or 911.
      • Remain calm and keep the patient as comfortable as possible.
      • Only provide first aid if you are trained to do so.

    Facilities Emergencies

    • For leaks, floods, or unusual odors:
      • Call Temple Police 215.204.1234
      • Follow the directions of responders, which may include evacuating the building.