Chemical Waste Pickup Request

Chemical waste is the responsibility of the generators of the waste. 

To request a chemical waste removal, please complete an online Chemical Waste Pick-up Request form (see instructions below). 

Chemical Waste Pickup Request Form (Electronic)-Fill out online

Once the form is submitted, EHRS personnel will schedule the pick-up. The system will send the generators a confirmation email when the form is received by EHRS.

If the generators has 20 or more containers, please contact EHRS at (215)-707-2520 for special handling.

When finished send the request to EHRS. The chemical waste must be located in the proper SAA, containers closed, labeled/tagged to corresponds with the chemical waste pickup request form.

EHRS is usually able to pick-up routine chemical waste within 1-3 business days, so please have the chemical waste ready for collection. If we have not picked up your waste within a week from the submission date, something probably went wrong. Please contact us at  or (215)-707-2520 to check on the status of your request.   


Emergencies & Chemical Spills
Chemical Safety Resources Document Library