Sign Up for Parking

Sign Up for Parking

Parking in a Temple University garage or lot is affordable, convenient, and safe. There are a variety of parking options depending on your needs.

Students can sign up for parking on the TU Parking Account system. Faculty and staff can sign up for part-time parking and add funds on the TU Parking Account system, or purchase monthly parking using automatic payroll deduction via the Employee Forms section of the Staff Tools tab in TUPortal. Visit our YouTube page and watch a step-by-step tutorials about how to purchase your parking online. 

Please note, all permit purchases must be completed online until further notice. We will not be selling permits in our office for the Fall semester and will not be taking walk-ins. If you have any issues completing your permit purchase, please contact us at (215) 204-5301 (Main) or (215) 707-2277 (HSC); Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 5: 00 PM or email us at and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Faculty & Staff

Faculty & staff can enroll in automatic payroll deductions in the Employee Forms section of the Staff Tools tab in TUPortal. Faculty and staff can also sign up for and add part-time parking funds using the TU Parking Account system.


If you're an active student, you can purchase parking online through our TU Parking Account system.  You can also visit us at our office, located on the first floor of the Montgomery Garage, and sign up there.

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

  1. Your parking privilege is solely for your convenience and at your own risk. Temple University assumes no responsibility for theft, fire, damage to or loss of either your vehicle or its accessories or its contents. 
  2. The University has the right to close parking facilities due to inclement weather. 

  3. Only one vehicle may utilize your parking privileges at any given time. I it is determined that a parker is parking more than one vehicle at a time within the assigned area, the user will have their parking revoked and disciplinary measures may also be taken. 

  4. Your permit must be displayed inside your vehicle, on the back of the rearview mirror. Vehicles found not displaying their appropriate University parking permit as well as the use of their Temple ID card upon entrance will result in the assessment of the daily rate or hourly rate where applicable. 

  5. Vehicles found without the appropriate receipt of payment or registered permits are subject to enforcement procedures.

  6. Your parking privilege may be cancelled at any time. 

  7. The University has the right to change the parking rates. 

  8. The University also has the right to withdraw your privilege at any time with the appropriate refund returned to you.  

Student Permit Regulations 

  1. If cancelling a student permit, the official cancellation date is recognized as the date that the permit is surrendered to Parking Services. An electronic lock-out will be processed on that date. Parking Services requires at least one (1) month cancellation notice. 

  2. Commuter 5 day and Commuter 7 day permits allow for parking from 7:00 AM to 10:45 PM. If you attempt to enter or exit outside of these periods, you will be denied and/or subject to pay the daily rate. 

Employee Monthly Permit Regulations 

  1. If you want your parking payroll deduction to be stopped, either temporarily or permanently, you must make arrangements to do so at the office of Parking Services. Recognize that all faculty & staff suspended in their deductions must return their permit to the Office of Parking Services. If you paid with cash or credit, a pro-rated refund will be processed and payroll deductions canceled effective on the date of the receipt of permit and signed payroll deduction form. 

  2. The temporary suspension of payroll deductions forfeits your position in your assigned parking area. At the time you wish to restart your payroll deductions, understand that you may be reassigned to a different parking area. 

  3. Failure to pay the parking fee by the start of the parking period will result in automatic cancellation of your parking privilege. Parking periods are September-December, January-April, and May-August. 

Flex Parking Permit Regulations

  1. Attempting to park at a parking facility without sufficient funds will result in the assessment of the $20 daily rate or hourly rate where applicable. 

Parking Office Locations

Main Campus

Main Campus Parking Services Office, located on the first floor of the Montgomery Garage.

Health Sciences Center

Carlisle West Garage Office, located on the first floor of Carlisle West Garage


Purchase online through the TU Parking Account system.

The TU Parking Account system can be used to manage all parking-related transactions.